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Haircuts, Color Crazes, & More

The Spring/Summer Trend Report


Our resident hair experts at Nova Arts Salon dive into the spring/summer hair styling trends that aim to celebrate whimsy, youth and most of all, fun. The salon walks us through four different trends and the ways to style them. 

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Natural Mystic 

Inspired by living in the sunlight, this hairstyle highlights freedom, minimalism and ease. Imagine soft, undone curls, natural colors and lightened mids and tips -- almost like the sun is kissing each strand. 

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Ancestral Nostalgia

Inspired by ancestral nostalgia, this defined look pulls from your core and rejects the idea of evolving into the disillusionment of modern day society. This style varies on each individual, as it should, and is majorly defined by wrapping your hair into a unique crown as an accessory to any silhouette.

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Bright Confidence

Take a leap into daring, bold colors this season. A bright confidence is worn proudly with each and every strand, whether that strand is red, green or blue. Innovation and creativity are boundless with a trend that simply requires you to wear the inner colors just waiting to be shared with the world. 

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Layers of Freedom

Whether you’re seeking a more timeless, feminine look or rebellious movement and texture, freedom is found in layers. Each layer can be seen as a step toward self-expression, and the sense of feeling cool and fully embodied. The world is your oyster and layers can help you realize that. 

If winter has had you in a rut, now is the time to shake things up. Our resident hair experts will give you the look you crave, while still being true to who you are. That’s what makes them so good at what they do.