Good Neighbor: Malikah Kelly

Meet Malikah Kelly


ROW is a place that is filled with dreamers and doers -- and since you never know just who you’ll meet around the district, this week we’re introducing you to ROW frequent visitor and all-around inspiring human Malikah Kelly. Not only does Malikah run her own successful lifestyle blog, she’s also a sought-after marketing specialist for major fashion brands and e-commerce companies, including her most recent position at ROW’s own 7 For All Mankind.

Read the full interview below for her thoughts on how to build a career you love, grow your following, and even why you might consider shifting your mindset when it comes to the ever elusive concept of landing “the dream job.”

ROW: Hi Malikah! Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself and what you do?

MK: I’m a marketing executive and fashion blogger here in LA. I’ve been in fashion marketing for over 10 years and have had some really fun roles at a lot of major brands. I started blogging just to give myself a creative outlet, and it’s really taken off. I love my full time work too much to pursue influencing full-time, but it’s been a really great side hustle. Multiple streams of income are always a good idea, so I’m happy to share some of my tips on managing a full-time job and a side hustle without going insane.

ROW: You’ve held a lot of enviable positions in fashion and e-commerce. How did you land your 'dream job' and what advice would you give for getting a leg up on landing jobs at top-tier brands?

MK: Well, first of all, I reject the concept of dream jobs. Not because there is no one on earth that truly dreams about labor, but because it comes from such a limited world view. I struggled to decide on a career path because there are so many things I’m interested in and pretty good at. I think most people are the same way, and at a certain point you just decide what you are going to do. People are multidimensional and most jobs are not designed for that.

All that aside, if you are someone that has a dream job in mind, there are steps you can take to make your dream a reality. The specifics will vary greatly based on industry and the type of role, so you need to set yourself up for success through education, internships/entry level work, and networking. Do extensive research on the companies you have in mind and get to know the key players as much as possible. You also need to be well versed in the overall industry, competition, growth, etc.

And definitely start building your network! That will give you a competitive edge and some insider knowledge into hiring practices and new opportunities that may never get posted online. As you grow your network and make connections, don’t forget to manage those relationships. Networking is about mutually beneficial relationships and helping each other, not just asking for favors when you need something! Periodically check in with people in your network, send cards around the holidays, or articles you found that may be of interest to them.

But don’t make the mistake of relying on your network too much. Networking can be helpful, but if you want to move ahead in your career you need to work every angle. I got some of my most aspirational jobs in unconventional ways. I got my job at Steve Madden after putting my resume in a basket at a career fair. In my last 2 positions, I was recruited by headhunters on LinkedIn. Keep active in your job search and work every angle you can think of.

ROW: You’re obviously incredibly busy! How do you manage the elusive work/life balance?

MK: Time management is essential. It’s tough, but most days in my life are scheduled down to the half-hour. Things have gotten much more calm since I’ve been working from home because I have more freedom to set my schedule and I don’t have a commute or last minute meetings to worry about. But I do schedule most things - even time to do nothing! I’ve always had the habit of blocking out chunks on my work calendar; that kept me from getting pulled into back to back meetings or not having adequate time to get my creative juices flowing. Before the pandemic, I did the same thing on my personal calendar! Scheduling afternoons or evenings to do nothing helped me stay balanced.

I also think more people need to start prioritizing their life balance over their work balance. Hustle culture has become way too prominent and it really is a toxic way of thinking. My career has been fulfilling in many ways, and I’m grateful for all the opportunities, but it has never been my “be all and end all.” If you start thinking about work as just one other aspect of your life, it becomes a lot easier to maintain balance.

ROW: What advice do you have for those of us looking to build our Instagram audience?

MK: This is a tough one and the rules of Instagram are always changing! I would challenge anyone looking to build an audience to focus on their website or email list, not a social network. You do not own your Instagram audience, or even your Instagram account. Your email list is the only audience you own. Instagram can kick you off their platform at any second, and other super popular social networks can shut down overnight. It happened to Vine years ago and now TikTok is at risk. Of course social media is an important part of any business, especially a side hustle. Just don’t overlook the other channels that are just as important!

If you are dead set on being Insta-famous, there are a few things you can do to start growing your account. Spend more time engaging with your followers, and people that follow accounts like yours. Study other influencers in your niche that are successful and look at your analytics to understand what kind of content resonates with your audience.

ROW: It goes without saying that style is an important part of your self-expression. How do you still manage to dress for your best self these days? What do you do on those occasions when it’s just not clicking for you?

MK: Honestly, getting dressed has been really challenging these days. My body has changed a lot as I’ve gotten older, and the past few months staying at home have not been kind! I have definitely had moments of coming to a near meltdown over what to wear or clothes not fitting the way they used to. Dressing confidentially for me means bringing the focus to areas of my body I still feel good about and being comfortable so I’m not constantly adjusting or fidgeting with my outfit. I’m also having fun playing with makeup and layering jewelry - maybe from spending so much time on Zoom the past few months!

ROW: What are the top five things you always have in your bag, no matter where you're going?

MK: LOL what’s in my bag! If I leave the house these days basically just an ID, credit card and phone. Pre-covid days, I always carried a portable battery pack, lipstick or gloss and eyelash glue (most days I wear strip lashes and keep glue handy in case I need a touch-up). And if I’m ever going out alone my stun gun because a girl can’t neglect her safety!

ROW: If you could hop on a plane right now, where would you go?

MK: That’s a tough one! There are so many amazing places on my list. A lot of people are complaining about not being able to travel abroad right now, but I’m really enjoying domestic travel. I definitely plan on going to Hawaii and Sedona this year, and depending on how things look, Cabo or Southeast Asia early in 2021. I actually wrote a 2020 travel bucket list back in January, so I’ll probably revisit that list when planning for next year!

Follow Malikah on IG @malikahkelly and head over to her blog for more how-to’s!