For a Slice of Authentic Los Angeles, Head Downtown

Lonely Planet


An arts and culture hub south of the Arts District, is a shopping center based out of buildings built by the Southern Pacific Railroad between 1917 and 1923. One of the largest projects of its kind, the giant facilities onsite offer retail space, restaurants, and creative offices. But the best part of ROW is its abundance of public plazas, ample outdoor seating, and art displays, making it a great place to sit with a book and a coffee from . Looking for something a little more hands-on? Still Life Ceramics, Project Space, and Makers Mess offer craft classes and workshops for kids and adults. On summer weekends, ROW hosts , a born-in-Brooklyn food market featuring some of the city's best purveyors of mobile cuisine. Before you leave, stroll through the produce market, once accounting for 10% of the nation's food distribution, and snack on whatever's in season!