Deskside Series: Jerome Boroff of WC+A



One of the few foolproof balms of this past year has been the ritual of settling into the couch, beverage in one hand and remote in the other, and scrolling through the seemingly infinite options of the Netflix menu. It’s an exercise in purse possibility. So if you’ve found yourself wondering about who is responsible for the shows’ impressive artwork, that leaps off the screen and catches your attention in a split-second, look no further.

We chatted with Jerome Boroff of WC+A, the conceptual advertising and graphic design agency that is responsible for so much of Netflix shows’ breathtaking visuals. Read on to learn more about his creative process, the value of a diverse team, and what he loves most about working in DTLA.

Hi Jerome! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at WC+A?

I am the Creative Director at WC+A. I have been with WC+A since the beginning and have worked with Kevin Williams (Owner) either as a client and now colleague for over 10+ years.

How has the advent of streaming changed the work that you do?

Streaming hasn't really changed the work that we do. What has changed is what the Creative looks like. Before, we used to create elaborate movie and TV posters but now, since the viewer is watching on multiple platforms, the once elaborate poster won't work on a small scale. The posters will still be visually striking, but they will need to be arresting and simple and be able to grab your attention immediately.  

You’re a Netflix Preferred Creative Agency, how did the relationship with Netflix first begin? What have you enjoyed about it most?

Our relationship began where Kevin and I believe all creative should begin, in production. Kevin and I both started our careers in production and we love the details. Netflix gave us our first job in production and we have slowly built a relationship from there. The thing I have enjoyed most about working on NPAA is the constant change in creative. There is so much content and always something interesting to find.

With the volume of streaming content at such a critical mass, it seems like the table stakes for capturing interest in a split second are higher than ever. What are your thoughts when it comes to how a show needs to stand out in search and discovery?

I can't give away all of our secrets! :) The one thing I can say is it has to be smart and feel like the show. Don't over promise but make it fun and different than what is on service.

Can you talk to us about the general steps in your creative process?

I learned from Kevin early on that you should let creatives have their voice in the art. Set parameters but let the client decide if the art is what they want. You have to push the boundaries 25% each way so we can see how far we can go.

We have so many talented artists with different POVs that our comps really hit all aspects of a creative brief. The most exciting part about the process is seeing everyone's vision. They are all given the same brief and they are all vastly different. The challenge is wrangling in some of the ideas but that rarely happens.

How does it feel to be able to work on some of the “buzziest” shows on Netflix?

It's exciting to all of us to work on such a variety of different genres...we delve into the crazy parts of our mind to create some of the most beautiful art. When something becomes "buzzy" we find ourselves wrapped up in the series or movie itself just like the viewer. We become fans of our own shows we work on.

Of course entertainment is so inextricably tied to LA, but what is that you personally love most about living, working, being here?

I have lived in OC my entire life. I have been commuting to LA over 15 years and I love what I do. The thing I love about LA that I don't get in OC is the variety of food and culture. There is something about LA that just sucks you in.

What are you currently watching on Netflix?

Anything murderous and gossipy. I literally watch everything.

Read more about innovative companies like WC+A that call ROW home, and learn more about our inspiring creative office space, that are redefining the way we work.