November 7, 2019
7:00 pm
9:00 pm

How to Give Back Without Losing Everything

We know consumers care that brands give back. Maybe you’ve heard the stats. 87 percent of consumers would buy from a company that supports issue they care about and 90 percent would switch brands to one that supports a good cause. But what does that actually mean and how does it translate into things like average order value and customer engagement? Join us for a lively panel discussion about how brands are giving back while not going broke. We’ve brought together a few of our favorite brand and agency partners ( , , , and ) to discuss what impact looks for them from their varying stages of growth. Moderated by 2019 Shopify Unite Fund recipients, . DailyKarma is a tech startup that builds innovative tools for philanthropy. Since 2015, their team of technologists, nonprofit leaders, and entrepreneurs have been creating tools that make giving easy. Their app, is the only Shopify app that allows brands to launch three types of cause marketing campaigns in one place: Donate for Discount, Round Up for Charity, and Percentage of Sales.


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